Hallo! Rekan - rekan yang budiman dan budiwati, Alhamdulillah kita masih diberi kesempatan pada kali ini. Yap! pada kesempatan kali ini saya takkan bosan - bosannya berbagi e-book gratis yang mungkin bisa memberi manfaat sebagai sumber referensi bagi rekan - rekan semua. Amin.
Baik, E-book ini berjudul "Classroom Management" Judul yang sangat simpel padat dan berisi. namun penasaran bukan dengan isinya?! Mari kita simak kutipan dari e-book ini :
Educators need to balance discipline theory with its practice in the classroom. In fact, W. Edwards Deming would say that one (practice) must be connected with the other (theory) in order to acquire true knowledge. The acquisition of knowledge, and the skills that can flow from it, are especially important in today’s educational arena where increased demands for teacher accountability exist. Classroom Management: Sound Theory and Effective Practice is designed for those who are new to teaching or who have had little coursework in discipline and do not have the time to read numerous theory based articles and books. Among those most likely to benefit from this book are the following:
- College students taking part in early off-campus field experiences. Such activities are increasingly being required by state and regional certification boards. It is never too soon to begin reading and studying classroom management theory and practice.
- College students taking an educational psychology course in which the primary
textbook (like most) devotes, at best, a single chapter to discipline. - Student teachers who are taking part in a semester-long practicum for which
effective classroom management skills, and the theories behind them, are a
must—not a luxury. - First- and second-year classroom teachers who, like their student teacher counterparts,
need effective discipline techniques for success—perhaps even survival. - Seasoned teachers who may not have had sufficient coursework (and most
have not) in classroom management or who simply wish to review the area of
discipline. - Students enrolled in classroom management courses or seminars.
Faculty and administrative mentors who wish to offer constructive suggestions
regarding discipline that are based upon sound pedagogical theory.
Oke, Bagaimana? Menarik? Jika rekan - rekan ingin membaca e-book ini dengan lengkap silahkan download dibawah ini : Baca juga "Conversation : From Description to Pedagogy"