Classroom Instruction That Works with English Language Learners


Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi e-book gratis yan sangat menarik untuk kita simak dan tentunya kita amalkan bagi para pembaca yang budiman. Khususnya bagi para Guru Bahasa Inggris, Sangat disarankan sekali untuk membaca e-book ini. E-book ini berjudul "Classroom Instruction that works with English Language Learners". Nah! dari Judulnya saja sangat menarik bukan?! apa lagi isinya. :)

Oke, ini dia kutipan dari introduction nya mari kita simak bersama :


Language is the air that we breathe and the water in which we
swim. It comes as naturally to us as seeing the sky or digesting our
food. It is as vital a part of us as our name and personality. But what if
we suddenly had to breathe different air or swim in different waters?
What if we consciously had to think about selecting the words we
were going to say, getting them in the right order, applying the correct
grammatical rules, and using the correct pronunciation? If we
had to think about not only what we say but also how to say it, the
language overload would be exhausting.
Think about a time when you traveled to a place where English
was not the dominant language. Remember how you felt when you
returned home and heard English for the first time since you had left?
What did you feel? Relief? Safety? Comfort? Friendship? We are our

In addition, language has always been the medium of instruction:
As teachers, our automatic use of English helps us to create or produce
something new for students. We can create stories, produce
explanations, construct meaning when we read, and help students
make meaningful connections—all by just opening our mouths.
Although we may have to deliberately concentrate on classroom
management or what activity we will do next, we are not thinking
about the order of words in our next sentence.
With the influx of English language learners (ELLs) in mainstream
classrooms today, however, the comfortable, automatic sense
of “just talking” is being shaken up. What we previously did not have
to think about, we now have to think about very carefully. We suddenly
find ourselves having to accommodate the one thing we take
for granted: language. We are experienced accommodators when it
comes to rates of learning, behaviors, and modes of response. We can
accommodate anything, from students with special education needs
to those with hygienic needs, but up until recently we have not had
to make accommodations for language.

Aside from accommodating for students with violent tendencies,
accommodating for language is one of the most difficult tasks we face
as mainstream teachers. To teach students a new language is to help
them know its sounds (phonology), its words (lexicon), and its sentence
formation (syntax and semantics). To help students learn content
in a new language, we must use clear and concise articulation,
make eye contact, use visuals, employ gestures/body movement/
pantomime, use shorter and simpler sentences at a slower rate, use
high-frequency vocabulary, and eliminate idiomatic expressions.
We also have to model, scaffold, access, and activate students’ prior
knowledge; provide cooperative learning activities; and differentiate
instruction. Making such accommodations helps provide better
instruction for all of your students.

Baik, Tanpa basa - basi, langsung saja silahkan download file Pdf nya bagi yang berminat melalui link download yang sudah disediakan dibawah ini : Baca juga "Interaksi Kelas dan Pembelajaran Sosial (Class Interaction and Social Learning)"

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