Contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris Expression Embarrassment Materi Pembelajaran SMA Kelas XI IPA / IPS



Satuan Pendidikan       : SMA 9 Padang
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester          : XI / II
Program / Jurursan      : IPA / IPS
Jumlah Pertemuan       : 1 x Pertemuan

Standar Kompetensi
Kompetensi Dasar

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional resmi dan berlanjut dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan perasaan malu.

Standar Pencapaian Kompetensi / Indikator
Nilai Budaya Bangsa
ü  Menggunakan tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan malu.
ü  Merespon tindak tutur menyatakan perasaan malu.
ü  Memahami isi percakapan secara umum.
ü  Cinta damai
ü  Religious
ü  Disiplin
ü  Komunikatif
ü  Keberanian
ü  Percaya diri
ü  Kerja keras
ü  Mandiri
ü  Jujur
ü  Saling menghargai

Tujuan Pembelajaran : Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat bercakap – bercakap menggunakan ekspresi perasaan malu secara berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari – hari.

Materi Ajar:
1.      Fakta               : Rina and Santi (Expression of EmbarrassmentSpeaking)
2.      Konsep            : a. Definition of Embarrassment : Expression that we use when we feel something wrong going on in our self and someone knew that.
3.      Prinsip              : When we want to express embarrassment, you can use these expression:

Expressing Embarrassment
Formal situation
Informal Situation
§  What an embarrassment!
§  I must say that it’s an embarrassment
§  That’s real embarrassment
§  What a shame!
§  It’s my embarrassment to…
§  I was so ashamed
§  I shy to say so
§  I’m bashful to…
§  I don’t know where I put face
§  What embarrassment
§  I must say that it’s an embarrassment
§  That’s a real embarrassment
§  What a shame!
§  It’s my embarrassment to…
§  I was so ashamed

Alokasi waktu             : 2 x 45’
Pertemuan I (2 x 45’)
Beban Belajar
Bentuk Kegiatan / Tugas
Tanya jawab, berbicara
Menjawab pertanyaan

Metode Pembelajaran :
1.      Tanya jawab
2.      Penugasan
3.      Diskusi

Nilai Karakter
A.    Pendahualan Awal:
Peserta Didik

v  Greeting the students
v  Praying
v  Reading Asmaul Husna
v  Taking attendance list

Cinta damai
B.     Inti
I.     Exploration
v  Teacher shows some pictures about expressing embarrassment.
v  Teacher ask the students some questions based on the picture:
-       What picture is this?
-       What do they feel?
-       Do you ever feel embarrassment?
-       What do you say if you feel embarrassment?
-       Can you tell me why do you feel embarrassment?
v  Tell the students what they are goin to learn.
“today we are going to learn about expression of embarrassment”

II.  Elaboration
v  Teacher distribute or ask the students to open LKS book on page 45.
v  Ask the students to understand the dialogue / read the dialogue / teacher reads the dialogue as a model.
v  Ask them to answer the questions based on the dialogue in the LKS and explain or make the students understand about the questions before answer the questions.
v  Monitor them while doing the task.
v  Discuss the answer together and write down the answers the board.
v  Underline the answer / or pick up the answer which state the expression of embarrassment.
v  Explain and write some others expression of embarrassment on the board.

Percaya diri

Kerja keras
Percaya diri
Cinta damai

v  Confirmation
v  Teacher distributes the text of dialogue expression of embarrassment.
v  Ask them question if they have
v  Ask them to sit in pairs.
v  Ask them to understand and comprehended also memorize the dialogue.
“OK students. Now, I give you 10’ to memorize the dialogue”
v  Ask the students to to act out in front of the class in turns. (Speak –up)
v  Ask the students to create a dialogue based on the situation given for homework. (if there are time left do it in the class).
v  Penutup
v  Ask the students about their impression during the lesson.
v  Teacher gives an assignment (KMTT)
v  Leave taking.

Saling menghargai
Kerja keras

Cinta damai


Sumber belajar:
-     Buku – buku bahasa Inggris kelas XI SMA / MA
-     LKS MGMP Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI - 2
-     Artikel terkait tentang media ajar pendukung bersumber dari website dan internet.

Penilaian Hasil Belajar :
-       Performance test.

Aspek yang dinilai
Expression / gesture
100 %

Approved by Tutorship-Teacher                                                     Apprentice-Teacher        
SMA 9 Padang                                                                                   

       Ermaniar, S.Pd                                                                             Bahril Ilmi
NIP. 195410101979022001                                                         NPM. 0910013121187

Lampiran 1
Read the dialogue below carefully!
Rina and Santi are having lunch at a restaurant.
Rina     : Mm, this fried chicken is very delicious. It so crispy
Santi    : You are right. Look at me. I have already eaten two.
Rina     : it’s okay. I have told you about the shameful accident I experienced yesterday?
Santi    : No, You haven’t. What is that?
Rina     : Well, I was walking down the street on my way home when suddenly a fast motorbike passed. Spontaneously, I jumped a side. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the banana peel. I believe you can guess what happened next. I slipped and fell.
Santi    : oh, how poor you are.
Rina     : I was so embarrassment. Moreover, some boys who watched the accident smiled and said, are you hurt?

Answer the questions orally:
1.      What does Santi say to express her excuse for bumping?
2.      What do you think Santi felt at the situation?
3.      What kind experience does Rina tell to Santi?
4.      How did Rina feel the accident?
5.      What would you do if you were Rina?
Key Answer:
1.      “I have told you about the shamedful accident I experienced yesterday?”
2.      Santi felt so anxious about at the situation
3.      Shameful accident experience
4.      She was walking down the street on her way home when suddenly a fast motorbike passed. Spontaneously, She jumped a side. Unfortunately, She didn’t see the banana peel. She slipped and fell.
5.      “Based on the students argument”
Lampiran 2
Expressing Embarrassment Dialogue, please practice pair in front of class!
A : How do you doing … ?
B : fine! What’s up…?
A : Not bad! What are you doing here?
B : Nothing, I just look at around here, why you look so upset today?
A : Mmm, Today is my bad day
B : Why? What's wrong?
A : I fell down from motorcycle in front of school
B : Really? Are you Ok?
A : I am fine, but I feel so embarrassed because my shoes were flying over me and my trousers was broken.
B : You must be very ashamed.
A : You bet. I felt so ashamed to know that. I don't feel convenient because there were some girl saw and come to me.

Answer the questions orally:
1.      Why does A look so upset today?
2.      What happened with A today?
3.      What kind of experience does A tell to B?
4.      Where did the conversations take the place?
5.      What would you do if you were A? what did you say?

Lampiran 3
In pairs, make short dialogue on the following situation and act in front of the class.

1.      Inschoolarship interview you say are from a poor family. Suddenly your mobile phone rings. You are embarrassment on what happened.
2.      You go to cinema. You are allowed to bring food inside except you buy it from the vendor inside cinema. You secretly take some food in to the cinema, then some security guards come and ask to leave the cinema as you bring some food in. you feel so embarrassment on what you did.
3.      One of your friend invite you to her birthday party. You do not read the invitation letter carefully and so you miss the information about the dress code. You came to the party wearing a dress code. You come to the party wear in the dress different from others.

“All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind”.  ~Martin H. Fischer~
“Jagat raya itu adalah laboratorium bagi pikiran yang serba ingin tahu.”

Lampiran 4

 Buat lampiran 4 (Gambar Orang Malu) bisa di cari di google aja ya gan... hehe.. :D


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