Membuat Kelas Komunitas Pembelajaran (Creating Classroom Communities of Learning)


Hallo! Rekan - rekan Semua, Khususnya para Guru yang tak kenal lelah dalam mencerdaskan Anak Bangsa. Berjuang tanpa pamrih. Demi Generasi bangsa yang cerdas dan mencerdaskan, Manusia yang memanusiakan, Inovatif, dan bertanggung Jawab. serta yang Pastinya ANTI KORUPSI! Amin.

Baik, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah e-book gratis untuk rekan - rekan semua. E-book ini berjudul "Creating Classroom Communities of Learning" (Membuat Kelas Komunitas Belajar). dari judulnya sudah penasaran bukan?! pasti isi nya "Amazing". Pas banget untuk rekan - rekan yang lagi bingung mencari referensi tentang Bagaimana cara Membuat Kelas Komunitas Belajar.

Menjadi seorang guru memang sangat sulit, butuh kesabaran, ketekunan, keikhlasan dalam mengamalkan ilmunya terhadap anak didiknya. Ditambah lagi berbagai macam tingkah laku para murid yang akan dihadapi. Terlebih anak sekarang sangatlah berbeda dengan anak dahulu. Banyak teman - teman yang seprofesi curhat dan saling berbagi infrormasi, bahwa sangatlah sulit untuk menjadi guru yang profesional.

Tak lepas dari hal itu, mari kita simak kutipan e-book yang akan share pada rekan - rekan semua pada kesempatan kali ini :


When I first received the proposal for this book, I experienced mixed emotions in my role as series editor. On the one hand, I felt confident that the topic – the creation of classroom communities of learning – would be of interest to a broad readership. It was also clear that the geographical coverage by respected researchers was excellent – Japan, Australia, Brunei Darussalem, USA, Taiwan, UK, Malaysia, New Zealand and Canada. This proposal, then, had potential.

But, on the other hand, I was less confident about the Take 1, Take 2, Take 3 approach espoused by the prospective editors who were unhappy with unidimensional interpretations of transcript data. They were proposing that each paper would begin with Take 1 – a discussion of the sociocultural context of the learning community under study, followed by an illustrative transcript of classroom interaction and an explanation of their interpretive framework. Another contributor to the volume would then be responsible for Take 2, where the same data would be explored from a second perspective. To complete the chapter, in Take 3, the reader would be invited to comment on another transcript from the same community of learning from their own perspective and experience. The aim, then, was to create a conversation not only among the contributors but also with the readers of the volume. The emphasis would be on understanding that there is no single ‘truth’ and on exploring alternative insights.

While this seemed fine in theory, I was hampered by my own lack of experience of this highly innovative approach. How would it pan out in practice? I was also painfully aware that overworked contributors to edited volumes have difficulty meeting deadlines for their own contributions and was therefore sceptical as to whether it was realistic to also ask them to offer perspectives on the transcripts of other authors. The fact, however, that all the authors shared such an obvious commitment to understanding the coconstruction of learning finally won the day. I took a leap of faith.

My trust in the editors has been amply rewarded. The introduction – innovative and accessible – takes the form of a conversation between Roger Barnard, María Torres-Guzmán and John Fanselow. It thus demonstrates the same dialogic approach adopted throughout the volume. The chapters not only identify a very wide range of communities of learning but, as promised, provide refreshingly different takes on the illustrative transcripts. The additional transcripts provided by the first authors have the potential not only to draw in individual readers but also make exciting teaching material, extending the conversation still further. John Fanselow’s Afterword brings the collection to a satisfying conclusion. He reminds us of the key reasons for analysing transcripts – to move beyond our initial interpretation and judgment and to expand the range of our teaching practices – and reviews a range of issues that can usefully inform future discussion. This, then, is a book which speaks to teachers, teacher educators and researchers, inviting us to move beyond the more usual unidimensional approach to learning, to co-construct our understandings of the nature of knowledge, and to grow both personally and professionally in the process.

Nah! dari Preface nya saja sudah tahu kan apa saja yang akan dibahas dalam e-book ini. Langsung saja, bagi rekan - rekan yang berminat untuk membaca lebih lengkap. Silahkan download file Pdf nya dibawah ini : Jangan lupa juga baca dan download e-book tentang "From Corpus to Classroom : Language Use and Language Teaching"

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